Baptist Church
We are honored that you are visiting our web site. We are always striving to find new ways to get our message out to our community.
Hunterdale Baptist Church is dedicated to reaching the lost for Christ and ministering to Christians.
​We are an independent, fundamental, Baptist church with heart- warming traditional music, practical preaching from the KJV, and a warm and friendly church. Visitors are always welcome.
Please us this site to access the information you need about the church and as a resource for broadening your faith. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you might have.
We are currently holding our services on Sunday. See our page on Events and Messages. Our services are open to anyone who wants to join us. We are still aware of the pandemic and want everyone who comes to be safe.
Schedule of Services
Sunday School 10:00 am
Worship 11:00 am & 6:00 pm
Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer 7:00 pm

Our office phone number is 757-562-7573 or you may contact our Pastor at 434-446-9565. Our e-mail is office@hunterdalebaptistchurch.org.
Please feel free to contact us for further information.
Our location is 23099 Sedley Road, Franklin, VA. We are located just past the city limits where Hunterdale Road and Sedley Road join. From business 58 (Clay St.) take Hunterdale Road going north. It turns into Sedley Road just outside the city limits. From south of Franklin, take College Drive north and continue to Hunterdale Road and our location. From north (Sedley), take Sedley Road to the city limits. The church is on the left just outside the city limits.
We are always open to visitors. You will find our church friendly, our message clear, and our music honoring to the Lord. We support missions all around the world to do our part in reaching the world for Christ. If we can help you in any way, please contact us using the contact information on this page.
Bob Hardman - Pastor